
Tell it like it is

Let future employers know what they might expect from your ex-employee. Sad to see them go? Then add a glowing review. You'd be surprised how many employees return when they find the grass is not always greener.


No more smoke & mirrors

All reviews are verified as working in the company that the employee worked in at the time. Verification is a simple, automated process that takes seconds. Names of reviewers are not disclosed, only the employer company name and the reviewer's job function.


Don't let the 'Great Resignation' get you down.

Most employees are sincere and hard-working but some though let the side down, they don't show up or leave without notice and this is only getting worse. We're nipping that in the bud. See who went AWOL. Report it. See who took multiple job offers and didn't turn up.


View & review employees. No more hire & hope!

Download the browser extension, locate the person on LinkedIn and the employee history and reviews will instantly appear. No login required and it’s free to use!

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Hear from everyone in one place

Enough of checking a candidate’s social media, resumes, and background checks for inconsistencies. Just download Blaber’s browser extension, open up LinkedIn and see what former employers have said.

What can you do with Blaber?

Make sure that all your employees know that you record that they are working for you on Blaber. Moonlighting is rife, especially with WFH. Blaber ensures we are all ‘on the same page’. Sincere employees want their LinkedIn profiles to be verified. Those that do can continue working for their other half-a-dozen employers.

Most employees are hard-working and sincere. Some bad apples ruin the barrel. Employers are now having to over recruit in the same way that airlines overbook their flights and so some are turned away. Harsher practices make it difficult for the rest. Make sure you hold bad apples to account. Raise up the good ones.

Employers using Blaber report that good employees go that extra mile and bad ones stop acting with impunity. Praised employees stay longer and, even if they have left the company, know that yours is the type of company that they want to return to and tell all their hard-working sincere colleagues about.

It’s so frustrating and it’s happening more and more. Genuine recruits do not want to be associated with those that take 6 offers and turn down 5 on the day of joining.

Employers now record employees’ dates of joining and, if they didn’t join on the contracted day, then they can answer the question on the review that ‘joining formalities were performed satisfactorily’ or leave out the answer. The latter answers the question by omission.